In any usual year you may be experiencing the mid-year slump; getting caught up in the day-to-day grind of running your business. All those good intentions have gone, and your goals seem too far away.
In any usual year you may have a foreign holiday to look forward to. A holiday will give you the chance to look more objectively at your business and what you want to achieve.
This hasn’t been a usual year. All the normal strains of running a business have been exacerbated by all the changes brought about by Covid.
A lot of business owners we are meeting are weary. 2020 has been a battle.
So, what do you do when you are feeling weary? We have got some practical suggestions that have worked for our clients.
Give yourself a breakout day.
Book some time out and get away from the office, your home, your unit or wherever you work and give yourself the chance to examine why you do what you do and what you want to achieve for the rest of the year.
Make sure that the day is completely ringfenced. Nothing but a family emergency can get in the way of you doing it. If you make it for a week or so ahead, hopefully it will give you the chance to look forward to it; it will be something out of the norm.
Reignite your business passion
During the day try to think back to why you started the business. See if you can capture that initial spark, that passion that drove you to start up, to sacrifice, to invest both your time and money.
If you can fall back in love with your business, it can help provide fresh impetus, fresh fight.
Commit to your end goal and re-evaluate how you get there
What ultimately do you want to achieve from your business? More time, more money? Is your business your pension? Are you looking to sell it? Once you have a clear idea you can then reverse engineer the steps needed to get you there.
How you work - Find New Efficiencies
According to Dr Maltz it “requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to jell.”
A lot is involved in changing the way we think and work. The current situation with Covid has challenged the excepted norms including how we communicate. Instead of feeling squeezed by these changes can we take a step back and look at our processes and change how we work? Can we come at things from a different angle and be more productive? By being more productive we can either do more with our time or increase our earning potential.
Surround yourself with like-minded people
Positivity breeds success. Are there ways you can be selective in who you talk to regarding your business plans?
We all know that the last few months have been challenging but do you really need to be reminded of this? Being around negative people who continually keep telling you that the world will never be the same and that the worst economic disaster in history is coming can be very draining. See if you can surround yourself with people who inspire you and help you see the opportunities not the obstacles.
Develop New Networks/revisit old ones
How do you find these inspiring people? Check out the events list of local business support organisations, look out for speakers. Are there networking groups that you can attend? As most groups are online now there is minimal cost if any. Try them out and if you like what you hear from someone, request a 121. Get to know them. Find out their story.
Revisit old contacts as well. Give yourself the time to go through your old business cards of contacts, your Linkedin list, Outlook contacts. Our networks have probably increased since Dunbar came up with his “number” and from looking through past contacts we may be inspired to reach out, get in contact, find out how they are and if you can help them in any way. As Bob Hoskins used to say: “it’s good to talk”.
Invest in Yourself
According to Gandhi: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”
Things have changed since March this year. There are, and will continue to be, new ways of working. Can you make a list of the number of new skills that you would like to learn? By giving yourself fresh things to do and learn you can feed into your process analysis and increase the chance of getting better and more efficient at what you do which in turn can mean more time and money.
Establish a personal reward system
You need to reward yourself for all this work! Make sure that as much as possible you acknowledge attainment. There is nothing more draining than monotony and the feeling you are on a treadmill.
Take advantage of schemes like the “Eating Out to Help Out” to give you yourself little holidays.
If you can keep yourself motivated, you can achieve more which will counteract those weary feelings.