Another "interesting" year!
Despite fiscal events, wars in Europe, 3 Prime Ministers, we have made it through 2022 and are looking to plan for growth in 2023.
What are your business goals for next year? What's realistic?
To help you get the most from your goal setting exercise we have prepared 6 practical steps to success that have worked well for my clients:
1 – Set descriptive business goals
What the mind can’t visualise, the mind can’t achieve.
Get yourself a piece of paper and describe exactly the amount of money you would like to take home.
Where would you like to (if possible) go on holiday next year? How many weeks would you like to take?
Whatever motivates you write it down or paste an image.
What would your ideal day, week, month look like? Hour many hours do you want to work?
Be as detailed and descriptive as possible. The more meticulously you can do this, the more likely you’ll be to achieve your business goals.
2 – Set achievable business goals
There’s nothing more soul destroying then the feeling of failure. Don’t set yourself up to fail.
Put together goals that could be achieved in baby steps. Steady increments, and the momentum that will provide, will help you reach your ultimate business goals
3 – Set time-focused business goals
2023 will go quickly. We need to make the most of it. Make sure whatever goal you give yourself is time sensitive.
We are all busy and there is always something to do in the business. Ask yourself every Friday afternoon, have I achieved what I needed to this week to make sure that I am on course to achieve my goals?
It may help to have an “unreasonable friend” to act as an enforcer; the equivalent of a business personal trainer – just to keep you on course.
4 – Track and analyse and adjust
Reaching our business goals is next to impossible when we don’t have a way of tracking and analysing progress.
Set metrics, markers. These metrics need to work for you. No one knows your business like you. Make time to record the metrics and then make time to analyse them. You may need to adjust how you work, delegate, get external help or reprioritise.
I found many of my business contacts have complained this year about having poor time management. This is fixable but it requires careful (and honest) analysis of your daily work routine to get a hold of how you allocate your time. Success comes from focus.
5– Focus on Forging Good Habits
We may need to change our working habits. Eat the spinach and do the jobs you automatically put off first.
Be honest; are there jobs that you enjoy that are less than essential? Give yourself those jobs when you have completed the key tasks that will contribute to you achieving your goals.
Could you start work earlier? Do you work better if you have a break midday? Call in someone close to you to help you make an honest appraisal and adapt if necessary. Doing this will ensure you maximise your chances of success.
6 – Leverage the 80/20-rule
The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto principle, says that 80% of the results comes from 20% of the efforts. Anything that we measure, will highlight that 80% of our results are coming from 20% of the work that we put in.
We often apply this to our sales, but it works in other business functions too.
Find the 20% of your efforts that are producing the 80% of your results and amplify them.
Try these principles in the first quarter of 2023 and compare results to the last quarter of this year.
To help you we have prepared a goal setting worksheet for you to complete.